The Scholar: Fedelia Flor Mero

Fedelia Flor C. Mero is 18 years old. She is the youngest of three siblings. Her father is a security guard who earns around 3,000 pesos (71 chf) a month and her mother, a former history teacher, sells homemade candies like yema. Hailing from Butuan City in Mindanao, she is currently a first year BS Fisheries student at the University of the Philippines Visayas.

Fedelia graduated at the top ten percent of her high school class. She was chosen as one of the Ten Most Outstanding Public High School Students of the Philippines for Exemplary Leadership. She is also a recipient of the Gerry Roxas Leadership Award. Last semester, she got a General Weighted Average of 1.705, earning her an honorific distinction of College Scholar from the UP College of Fisheries and Oceanic Sciences.

Fedelia believes that "the fisheries profession is an exciting one" and that "fisheries is one of the most helpful industries in the Philippine economy". She plans to become a researcher, to study law specializing in fisheries policies, and to teach. She hopes of making the Philippines a first world country. She loves to swim, draw, and write.

Fedelia Flor is the first recipient of the UPAAG Scholarship Fund. UPAAG will support her education until the end of the 4-year course, including summer practicum and thesis.

This profile was based on the bio data and personal essay of Ms. Mero.

1 comment:

  1. Great job. We need all the UPAAG members to see this site.
